remember Singapore

Read the below and understand how I had it for more than two years.. Now you also know why my English has imnproved more here in 6 months, than there in 2 years - despite this being a French speaking country and Singapore an English speaking country :P

ps. its a must to really put yourself in an asian mood and pretend you speak chinese when pronouncing the below ;)

let me know how it goes! just to give you a clue - the first sentence is in English and the following in bold is the same in English, but with Singlish pronounciation :)

That's not right...
Sum Ting Wong 
Are you harboring a fugitive?...
Hu Yu Hai Ding? 
See me ASAP...
Kum Hia Nao 
Stupid Man...
Dum Gai 
Small Horse...
Tai Ni Po Ni 
Did you go to the beach?...
Wai Yu So Tan? 
I bumped into a coffee table...
Ai Bang Mai Ni 
I think you need a face lift...
Chin Tu Fat 
It's very dark in here...
Wai So Dim?
I thought you were on a diet...
Wai Yu Mun Ching? 
This is a tow away zone...
No Pah King 
Our meeting is scheduled for next week...
Wai Yu Kum Nao? 
Staying out of sight...
Lei Ying Lo 
He's cleaning his automobile...
Wa Shing Ka 
Your body odor is offensive...
Yu Stin Ki Pu

Postat av: Erica

Hahahahaah, so true! Asiatar har lixom ett helt annat sätt att konversera och speciellt trevliga är de inte! puss

2012-12-04 @ 07:54:18

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